Make strategic decisions in uncertain and complex situations

Decision-making skills can be trained, and this programme blends theory and practice to help you become a more effective decision-maker. You will learn about the main sources of decision failures at individual level (when uncertainty overwhelms us), at the group and organisational level (where we are “biased” by social interactions and implicit cultural assumptions), and at the level of strategic decisions in a competitive marketplace (where you need to intuit and pre-empt the behaviour of competitors and customers).

Organisational leaders are often called to make strategic decisions in uncertain and complex situations. Making effective decisions requires the adoption of approaches that fit the complexities of these situations, and the efficient management of decision-making processes. It also requires the ability to think strategically in highly interactive markets and with insights into the psychology behind people’s behaviour. Decision-making skills can be learned, and this programme blends theory and practice to help you become a more effective decision-maker.

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