“Reservations: Examining the Controversial System of Affirmative Action”

Reservations, also known as affirmative action or positive discrimination, are policies or programs aimed at providing opportunities and benefits to historically disadvantaged groups. The goal is to level the playing field and promote equality of opportunity. In this blog, we will explore the concept of reservations, their history, and their pros and cons.

History of Reservations

The concept of reservations originated in the United States during the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Affirmative action policies were implemented to address discrimination against African Americans and other minority groups. In India, reservations were introduced in 1950 as part of the Constitution to address historical injustices faced by lower castes and tribes.

Pros of Reservations

Promotes Equality: Reservations provide opportunities to disadvantaged groups and help promote equality of opportunity.

Increases Diversity: Reservations increase diversity in education, employment, and politics, leading to a more inclusive society.

Reduces Discrimination: Reservations can help reduce discrimination against historically disadvantaged groups by increasing their representation and visibility.

Addresses Historical Injustice: Reservations can address historical injustices and help provide redress for past discrimination and oppression.

Cons of Reservations

Reverse Discrimination: Some argue that reservations are a form of reverse discrimination against non-reserved groups.

Meritocracy: Reservations may compromise the principle of meritocracy, where positions and opportunities are based on talent and ability rather than social identity.

Stigma: Reservations can create a stigma around reserved categories, leading to resentment and hostility from non-reserved groups.

Not Effective: Reservations may not be effective in addressing the root causes of inequality and discrimination, which may require more comprehensive policies and programs.


Reservations are a controversial and complex issue, with both pros and cons. While they have been effective in promoting equality and increasing diversity in some cases, they have also been criticized for compromising meritocracy and creating stigma. It is important to consider the specific context and goals of reservations when evaluating their effectiveness and appropriateness. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a society that is inclusive and equitable for all.

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