Skills Successful Business Managers Must Have

Owning a business is no mean feat. But what perhaps demands more proficiency is managing people, and that is precisely what a business manager’s role primarily necessitates. Not only must they ace basic skills, such as communication, critical thinking, and strategizing, but they should also possess something extra that sets them apart – a certain je ne sais quoi. Here’s what we think that is.

1. Empathy
As Harper Lee famously put it, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from their point of view.” Business management is not simply about assembling and motivating a team; it requires you to get the best out of them. In this regard, it’s crucial to remember that each member differs in their educational and professional backgrounds, work ethic, communication styles, motivation, and innate personality. Without empathy, business managers may find it impossible to truly understand their employees and implement a successful managerial approach.

2. Accountability
One of the most important duties of a business manager is to hold employees accountable for their mistakes and help them improve. Not only does this ensure the performance of the entire organization but is also proof that you care about the growth of your staff enough for them to develop their competence. Being consistent and taking feedback are helpful ways to lessen the discomfort that may accompany difficult conversations or situations regarding accountability.

3. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
According to IMD Business School professor George Kohlrieser, “Conflicts are the lifeblood of high-performing organizations.” At some point in time, a team of intelligent workers is bound to face creative differences, be it in strategy or implementation. The job of a manager is to resolve such conflicts and facilitate collaboration, exchange, and networking, all with a sense of goodwill and respect for the shared goal. Establishing a managerial style goes a long way in such negotiations and is a step towards mutually beneficial decisions. Consider taking an online course to improve your negotiation skills.

4. Executive Presence
Often viewed as an innate, mystical trait, in reality, executive presence is a highly-prized skill that can be cultivated with diligent practice. Referring to one’s ability to inspire confidence, executive presence is critical across hierarchies and highlights one’s potential for achievement. For business managers, it is imperative as it cements one’s authority and thus commands respect, and also imbues the team with a strong sense of self-esteem. Attributes like eloquence, calm-headedness, and a keen perception are central to building an impeccable executive presence.

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