What are some genuine personal development tips?

Here are some genuine personal development tips

1. Be proactive in meeting new people. It is not easy to meet new people and it can be quite intimidating if you are an introvert. Remember, the trick is to go meet people on your terms, not theirs. So, you must be a bit brave, ready to take a step out of your comfort zone.

2. Ask what you want to achieve from meeting someone. You cannot automatically assume you know what the other person wants, and this can be a problem. So, ask yourself how the meeting will benefit you.

3. In a nutshell, know yourself. Are you looking to learn, inspire, get some ideas for your next project, meet people to network with? If so, pick the right time to meet them.

4. Remember, the more personal you can be the better the meeting will be. The right people and business contacts, like the right friends, are open to personal communication. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and get to know your potential contacts on a deeper level.

5. Be honest. There is no point faking a question or answer. People will know straight away if you are being fake. It’s up to you whether you want them to find out.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh



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