What are some things that decrease productivity?

Here are the things that decrease productivity
1. A poor work environment
The most obvious things that a work environment will do is affect the mood of the workers. You should have an office that is comfortable enough that you can concentrate in the job you are doing and not worried about getting carried away with the comments or outbursts of your boss.

2. No appreciation
When you don’t have someone who appreciates your efforts, you will easily become lazy. When you don’t see the rewards of your hard work, you will stop pushing yourself.

3. Poor communication
You should never see your boss talking badly about you in front of the entire office. Communicating well with your boss will ensure that they can always get your ideas, and you will always get paid well when you produce the good work.

4. Other people
Some people come into your office with the sole purpose of hindering your work. They can become so disruptive that they will even drag your colleague to their work and make it difficult for you to get your work done.

5. Stress
When you start to be stressed with work, you will find it impossible to focus. You will have a mental list of things that you have to do and deadlines will be missed without you realizing. You won’t even have the energy to even breathe and want to take any breaks.

6. The media
Sometimes, your colleagues will start to take your hard work for granted and you won’t get any appreciation for your job. The world will constantly compare you to your colleagues and that will make you feel that you are not good enough.

7. Work overload
You will start to get stressed with the pressure of work. When you don’t have a relaxed work environment, you will find it difficult to perform well. You will always have projects to finish, and that will overwhelm you.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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