What are some tips for staying motivated when your body feels exhausted but your mind wants to keep going?

5 tips to stay motivated even if you are exhausted

1. Don’t change your routine:
There is a theory that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. That means if you are able to start an exercise routine today, it will take 21 days to build up your strength and stamina.
All of that hard work could potentially be for naught if you decide to start a new routine, skip your workout or think it’s too hard.
Instead of doing something new every day, you can follow your current exercise routine, your FitBit or a similar fitness app to track your progress.

2. Keep a journal:
If you are feeling worn out from the effort, it’s easy to give up when you are not seeing visible results. But your journal will serve as a quick reminder of what you have achieved.
If you miss a workout or give up entirely, you can fill your journal with this extra motivation.
Writing down your workout can keep you from running the other way.

3. Allow yourself a cheat meal:
The first couple of weeks of an exercise routine is difficult. Exhaustion may convince you to avoid a workout entirely. But the first time you give yourself a cheat meal, it can motivate you to keep going.
Eating healthy and following a healthier diet is a good thing. But if you are craving a pizza or cookie, it can still be a motivator to get to the gym.
If you have eaten something unhealthy but continue to exercise, try cutting out your cheat meal for the week or exercising at home.

4. Take a break:
Many people have a difficult time staying motivated because they can’t give themselves a break. It’s OK to take a breather every once in a while.
Instead of exercising every single day for five or six days in a row, go one or two days without exercising.
That will allow your body to get the rest it needs, recharge your batteries and re-focus on a new fitness plan.

5. Drink water:
Your sweat glands aren’t doing you any favors by only releasing a small amount of water during exercise. When you exercise, your body works harder and holds on to more water in your muscles.

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Samarth Harsh

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