What are some ways to encourage clients to talk more during sessions?

Here are some ways to encourage clients to talk more during sessions

1. Design the environment for natural conversation:
Clients aren’t accustomed to sitting in silence while you are speaking with them, but there are ways to build in times of silence and encourage discussions with your clients. A space that encourages natural conversation like a living room or a terrace is an excellent way to welcome clients to the conversation and break the normal tension of talking to a stranger.

2. Introduce your client:
Have a conversation with your client that is specific to them so they understand their style and personal values, rather than an impersonal intro. A client that is identified as a runner, a teacher or a vlogger, is one that will open up in a safe space and may want to be more open with you about their concerns, goals, etc.

3. Engage in small talk with clients:
Small talk can be a good way to get to know your clients better. Start asking a few open ended questions, ‘What’s been going on with you?’, ‘What’s new in your life?’ and have fun. Chit-chat can be a great ice breaker and introduce your client to you, which gives you an opportunity to ask follow up questions to learn more about them.

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Samarth Harsh

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