What are the benefits of participating in a creative competition?

Creativity is a form of expression, and creativity encourages critical thinking. Some activities are so creative that even the best brainy people will struggle to understand them.

A competition is an effective way to stimulate the brain. Just as in doing crosswords or jigsaws, players are motivated by a challenge, challenge leads to new ideas, and ideas lead to action. Research suggests that in activities like making things or playing sport, competition gives a feeling of accomplishment and boosts our mood.

And the impact is not only on your own creativity. The same rules apply to creating a task in a competition that you would normally do. A task which gives you the opportunity to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your thinking, for example.
People who find the creative challenge difficult may find themselves looking for meaning in a problem. We are prone to post-hoc decision making, which is to say we revert to default rules. For example, if we’re told a particular answer is not valid we don’t need to make a decision – we just choose the nearest option. Or we do what we know, rather than what we know not.

A game helps us to be more flexible, to think about new ideas and to evaluate our own thinking. And that means new perspectives, creativity and a better approach to solving problems – which in turn are skills that are in short supply in today’s world.

In conclusion, creative competition is a great way to boost your brainpower, your mood and your creativity.

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Samarth Harsh

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