What are the different methods of teaching?

Different teaching methods have evolved over the years and new teaching methods are invented as time goes by. We cannot say that one method is better than the other. It differs based on the kind of students and also from situation to situation. Before moving on to the different teaching methods, let’s have a look at teacher-centric learning and student-centric learning:

Teacher- Centric Approach
As the name suggests, in the teacher-centric approach, the teachers play a major role. The students are seen as passive listeners and they don’t have many roles in the classroom. The teacher imparts knowledge through a direct instruction approach and the students take notes and there’s not much interaction between the teacher and students. This is a usual method of teaching and the result is evaluated through exams and tests. This is a kind of spoon-feeding method. This method has undergone a lot of changes. Now, the main focus is on the students and they are left to research and learn things on their own. And that brings us to our next point, student-centric approach.
Student Centric Approach
In this approach, the students are seen as capable, individuals and the teachers act as a guide. While the teachers do have a lot of authority, the students are given equal importance and they are taken into consideration. Continuous evaluation and assessments are done to understand the results and whether the goal has been achieved. In this approach, students bring their ideas and thoughts to the classroom.

Importance of Teaching Methods
Why is it important to have teaching methods? Learning is a two-way process and it is significant to employ different methods and strategies to ensure that the learning is effective and efficient. There are different types of teaching methods and these are important because:

Ensures learning is effective
Establishes a routine
Involving different methods of teaching improves the quality of education
Student-centric approaches increase student involvement and engagement

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