What are the top self-sabotage ways?

4 top self-sabotage ways

1. Thinking we have to have everything perfect.

If we feel that perfection is required in every single aspect of our lives, we will never have time to do what is important, like building relationships with God and building our confidence in the faith.

As a result of focusing on perfection we often feel depleted or defeated. This is not true of our faith. We do not have to have it all together to be faithful to our mission, and God calls us to accept that challenge. We will not have all the answers, but we can trust Him.

2. Being so hard on ourselves.

Excessive self-criticism leads to more self-sabotage. It’s like pouring fuel on a fire. We spend time beating ourselves up for not living up to some future standard. To correct the error we need to focus on the journey we are on right now, which is building faith. Faith in God’s promises is our true wealth, and it helps us to set aside our petty complaints about our weaknesses.

3. Just living.

Staying in the same place just going through the motions is self-sabotage. We should use every day to try to make the most of our time. God is with us, and He is not finished with us until we are. We may need to change our focus. What is most important? What are the needs of others? What tasks could we delegate to others, which would increase the impact on the kingdom? We have never been more effective when we have less control.

4. Getting discouraged.

Life has many ups and downs. If we stay focused on our weaknesses, or our sinful tendencies, we are going to be discouraged and defeated. We need to refocus on the fact that God is with us. He is not going to leave us behind. In fact, God will continue to refine us and stretch us into the best version of ourselves. We should try to live each day in the present tense. When things are going well, focus on the positive, but when things don’t go so well, allow God to work in us through the difficult experiences.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh



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