What are the ways of successful people to be confident in any situation?

3 ways of successful people to be confident in any situation

1. Don’t compare yourself to other successful people
Being confident means having high standards of achievement and believing that you can go as far as you possibly can. But it also means being able to be satisfied with your own achievements and your own abilities. Comparing yourself to others is a sure way to be frustrated and afraid of making mistakes.

2. Focus on your current achievements and not the failures that came before you
As Warren Buffett said “Be terrified when others are greedy.” Being confident and having high standards means having confidence in yourself and accepting that the success you are currently experiencing is not a guarantee that you will continue to be successful. Remember that you have only done what is possible, you have no more control over your future. This does not mean you shouldn’t try to be more successful in the future, but you can’t sit there and force yourself to become successful. You need to be confident in yourself, because you are the only one you can be sure about, and no-one else can know what’s in your heart.

3. Don’t change yourself to fit in
People who focus on fitting in at school and work, whether it’s socially or professionally, are often the least successful in their careers. Being successful means having confidence in your own self and your own abilities, no matter how different you are from everyone else.

What are some of the ways that you can learn to be more confident in yourself?

Jeff Bezos has said that being successful is mostly about the people you know and about the friends you choose.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh
www.growthbest.com (http://www.growthbest.com)

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