What do you do to recharge your motivation?

Here are the 5 things that I do to recharge my motivation

1. Remember why I started: Why did I start this business in the first place? What does it for me? I’m not trying to forget that I’ve hit a plateau or that the business seems stagnant, but rather I’m reminding myself of what my motivation is for wanting to do this in the first place. I’m also reminding myself of where I want to be at the end of the year.

2. Spend time with people I care about: There’s something so positive about spending time with people who support you, like you, care about you and enjoy the things that you do. It makes you think that you have worth to someone, so if you’re not building any relationships (which sounds bad), but if you’re spending your time with the wrong people, this doesn’t really help either.

3. Go outside and notice the details: How you’re breathing, the feel of the air, the smell, what’s going on around you. Take the time to notice things, to feel things and to experience life. Things that will help you reconnect with why you started this and help you come back down to earth.

4. Go on a vacation: I don’t really mean a vacation to somewhere exotic, but to your hometown. Leave everything that’s holding you back behind and take a few days to reconnect with your day to day life. It’s crazy how much you can change in those few days!

5. Take a vacation: If you can’t do the above, then take a vacation, even if it’s just a short weekend. Do something fun, make an adventure out of it and recharge your motivation.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh



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