What is the technique to wake up early in the morning (e.g. at 4 am)?

Here are 5 unbeatable ways to wake up early in the morning

1. Wake up with your alarm clock, set it to go off at 6.00 am
Find an app that helps you set the alarm clock for the hour you wake up, like melatonin or smart clock. And set it up for that exact time. But make sure you set it to go off in the morning when you will get up. The other option is the one that you all know: you just set it for your desired time in the morning. That way you wake up, open your eyes and think of your new day. Set the alarm clock for your desired time and go to bed.

2. Wake up in the morning with a splash of cold water
Drink a glass of cold water as soon as you wake up. Then, take a shower. Hot water causes dehydration, so it will not do you any good. While taking a shower take a cold shower and you will feel as if you are working out while your body is being washed. Do this for a minute. It will wake you up, make you alert and energetic for the rest of your day.

3. Go to bed earlier
Or go to sleep earlier. Having a good night’s sleep is a great way to get up early. Don’t wake up after 7.00 am. Try to go to bed earlier than usual, without any sleep aids or artificial energy. Only take one hour of power nap when you get up.

4. Wake up early, take a walk
Go for a quick walk. It doesn’t need to be more than 15 minutes. Go for a walk, listen to your favorite tunes, or go outside, if it is possible. If it’s not possible, go for a quick walk. Don’t worry about pace or time. Just go for a walk. You will be glad you did.

5. Drink a glass of warm water before going to bed
You don’t have to drink warm water in the morning. Just a cup of warm water before you go to bed, will bring you some energy. It will also awaken your body and make you get some rest. Your body will feel more awake, and your mind will be clearer.
If you haven’t tried these 5 steps, maybe, just maybe, you will be able to wake up at an earlier time than you thought possible.

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Samarth Harsh

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