What should we do to concentrate on ourselves?

5 ways to concentrate on yourself

1. Take a few minutes for yourself
Allow yourself to enjoy some quiet time away from work. Complete some tasks that make you happy. Take your time and breathe. As you do this, take notice of what you’re feeling as you focus on your own self-care. What is the air quality? Can you sense the sunshine?
Being mindful is sometimes a process, and as such, it requires a few minutes, maybe even 15 or 20. It’s worth it to stop, take a deep breath, and try.

2. Do some breathing
This is something I like to do often. If you like, try it during your break or at the beginning of your work day. I often do it around the first of the month and am immediately filled with life.
You can either do the 5-7-8 technique, or try the Pomodoro technique. Whatever you do, just do it. Breathe.

3. Focus on something uplifting
We’ve all been there. Things are really tough right now, and we’re finding it hard to concentrate on anything at work.
Instead of letting yourself get down, take a few moments to try and find something positive. Instead of complaining about how much work you have, focus on the good things.
For me, my work environment has been great. The people around me are really positive, and the company has been treating me well. What’s more, I get to go on lovely holidays. What’s not to like?
In fact, focus on that feeling of positivity.

4. Play relaxing games
I used to play a lot of badminton. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to find a badminton court in England. However, with the advent of online games such as Tapulous, there’s a whole world out there for you to play with.

5. Do something completely different
Instead of staying at your desk all day, try switching desks for a moment, or going for a coffee break. Most people are so conditioned to being at work that they don’t know how to relax.
So make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, and pop out for a quick minute. Do something completely different.
Despite it being essential to keep up with the pace of work, sometimes, you need to let go. Allow yourself to step back from the stress of work and clear your head.
Ultimately, the aim is to increase your productivity levels.

Growth Best
Samarth Harsh

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