Why do students need physical and mental strength?

5 reasons students need physical and mental strength

1. Mental strength

Students often see their classmates and their academic work as the most important, or in some cases the only way to gain autonomy and independence in their lives. However, students can gain a complete sense of autonomy and independence by getting their own personal strength to cope with challenging situations. They can cope with an overwhelming workload, they can do well in the classroom and perhaps even attend the college they want to attend, and they can make their own decisions without relying on others.

2. Physical strength

Many students feel the pressure to do well on tests because of how much attention it gets. Other students feel overwhelmed because the workload is too hard for them to complete, so they can only feel the pressure. Students learn from mistakes, but students don’t always have the emotional and physical strength to handle those mistakes and learn from them.

3. Commitment to physical fitness

Physical strength can be a form of mental strength. We have to exercise our bodies for a healthy lifestyle, and that includes being active physically. If we aren’t in shape physically, it is impossible to be mentally in shape. If a student is involved in multiple sports or activities, they are mentally and physically exhausted when they are on the court or the field. They need to take time to rest and recover from their physical exertions so they can continue to be mentally and physically strong.

4. Ability to manage our environment

Some students do not know how to handle their time well or maintain their home life well. They are also at the mercy of their parents when it comes to caring for their pets or when they need a ride to the next game. They sometimes struggle with managing their schedules and the activities that happen in the classes they are in. They need the ability to function on their own to manage these tasks so they can meet the demands placed on them.

5. Strength in our relationships with other people

Students can depend on their family, other students, professors and staff to support them, and it is vital for these relationships to be strong. For some students, they rely on their peers in the program to meet the physical or academic demands of the classes they are in. For some students, they rely on their families or friends to give them a hand with chores and responsibilities. Students need to develop a strong sense of self-awareness of their abilities and what others expect from them so they can be flexible and handle their environments.

Growth Best

Samarth Harsh



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